TMS Maritime – Case Study

“Sea-Flux for us goes above and beyond our expectations every time we start up the App onboard our vessels, its accuracy and simplicity enable us, as a team, to carry out everything we need to do to maintain safety and reliability with our vessels and their crews and remain compliant within the workboat sector.”

TMS has been providing professional marine and land based civil engineering services since 1991. We take the time to learn what is important to our customers and then gear our work so that our customers’ expectations are fully met. We are greatly experienced in working as the principal marine contractor, where we are able to provide a full, one-stop-shop construction service. We can also provide design services as well using our design partners for a full turn-key project. TMS are also fully able to work as a sub-contractor for large civil engineering and building companies, who approach TMS for marine expertise and the use of our specialist marine and land-based plant.

Late in 2023, Ben Horrill, skipper from Marine Plant Hire, wasn’t actively seeking a digital vessel management system as they had implemented an inhouse system using QR codes and some basic software to carry out daily checks and defect reporting which worked well but had its flaws.

Ben comments; “Overall, we knew that with the Introduction of Workboat code 3 on the horizon and an expansion of our workboat fleet as well as the number personnel we would eventually need a system which would enable us to pull all our previous half paper based half digital documentation into one easy to manage database which all of our staff could use.”

Ben adds; “We stumbled across Sea-Flux on a video on social media with Tk Offshore Fishing which showed how they were using Sea-Flux on a day-to-day basis. I forwarded it onto our Marine Superintendent and he was quickly onto the idea of giving Sea-Flux a go. Within a couple of days, we had a demo of the system and set about testing its abilities to see if it suited our needs.”

“Sea-Flux for us goes above and beyond our expectations every time we start up the App onboard our vessels, its accuracy and simplicity enable us, as a team, to carry out everything we need to do to maintain safety and reliability with our vessels and their crews and remain compliant within the workboat sector.”

Ben also makes the observation that; “as time has moved on and Masters and Crews have grasped the basics of the digital system it’s enabled us to really spend time inputting more and more data such as our Risk Assessments, Standard Operating Procedures and further documentation to assist the tasks our vessels and crews face every day. For us a couple of key words spring to mind “simplicity and accessibility”. The ability to have information needed in any event just by opening the app on your smartphone.”

“We’re now seven months into using Sea-Flux, and the initial response, access to the demo, and ongoing support have been great – every step of the way. Initially there were some mixed emotions within the business, which was expected when introducing change. But slowly everyone is getting onboard and what once seemed like a lot of work for all involved now it’s up and running, we only receive good feedback.

Sea-Flux has given us the ability to outline possible safety concerns which may have been missed before, its enabled crews to come together to act as a team to ensure all vessels are safe and fit for purpose, as well as enabling the people ashore to monitor the vessels, and their crews and systems, to ensure that often overlooked basic safety checks aren’t being missed and faults or defects with systems onboard are reported and sent to the correct people so that they can be rectified quickly.”.

“We’re somewhat of small player within the UK Workboat sector, and it’s still been a costly exercise to implement the system across our entire fleet. However, in the long run, it will not only ensure our vessels and crew are safe, it will save time when it comes to scheduled maintenance periods and enables us to expand and improve our fleet to suit the requirements to stay up to date and compliant within the industry which requires compliance with growing regulations, and legislation. We couldn’t easily do that without the Sea-Flux digital vessel management system.

Ben Horrill