Account Setup

Take advantage of our streamlined and simple onboarding process that gets your account up and running in no time at all.

Request a demo and proposal

Once the “Request a Demo” form has been completed, we use the information provided to compose a custom proposal which includes further detail on the features and benefits, account set up options, subscription packages. This includes the username and password to access our demo account.

Demo the software

Once you receive the proposal and Demo information, you’ll have access to interact with numerous vessels from a variety of industries. From there, you can schedule a call to assist with any further questions you may have.

Service level agreement

Once you’ve made the decision to digitise and streamline your operation, we’ll send through an electronic Service Level Agreement that includes the finer details.

Account setup

Using the information provided from the SLA we’ll set up your account and vessel/s with one of our preloaded comprehensive templates that’s specific to your industry. This significantly reduces data entry time and is a cost effective method to assist with achieving operational compliance.