Plans and FAQs

Basic Package

Designed for recreational users to monitor safety equipment and maintenance

  • Logbook
  • Safety equipment checks
  • Incident reporting
  • Maintenance Schedule
  • Job list
  • Equipment list
  • Maintenance History
  • Vessel Documents
  • Crew Particulars
  • Offline capability
  • Form/checklist builder
  • SMS Document
  • Company documents
  • Safety equipment expiries
  • Risk assessments
  • Drills
  • Spare parts list
  • Vessel certificates
  • Survey reports
  • Standard operating
  • Procedures
  • Health & safety
  • Meetings
  • Dangerous goods register
  • Equipment manuals
  • Documents
  • Crew certificates
  • Crew training
  • Contacts

Essentials Package

For those who wish to maintain a high level of safety and compliance onboard their vessels

  • SMS documents
  • Company Documents
  • Logbook
  • Safety checks
  • Safety equipment expiries
  • Risk assessments
  • Incident/event reporting
  • Drills
  • Maintenance Schedule
  • Job List
  • Equipment list
  • Maintenance history
  • Spare Parts List
  • Vessel certificates
  • Vessel documents
  • Survey reports
  • Standard operating
  • Procedures
  • Health & safety
  • Meetings
  • Dangerous goods register
  • Equipment manuals
  • Documents
  • Crew particulars
  • Crew certificates
  • Crew training
  • Contacts
  • Offline capability
  • Form/checklist builder

Advanced Package

The complete vessel management package for commercial and professional operators

  • Offline capability
  • Form/checklist builder
  • SMS Document
  • Company Documents
  • Logbook
  • Safety checks
  • Safety equipment expiries
  • Risk assesments
  • Incident/event reporting
  • Drills
  • Maintenance Schedule
  • Job List
  • Equipment list
  • Maintenance history
  • Spare Parts List
  • Vessel certificates
  • Vessel documents
  • Survey reports
  • Standard operating
  • Procedures
  • Health & safety
  • Meetings
  • Dangerous goods register
  • Equipment manuals
  • Documents
  • Crew particulars
  • Crew certificates
  • Crew training
  • Contacts


  • Reporting
  • Multi-factor authentication


Got a burning question? Check out our FAQs below, or get in touch with us to discuss any queries with our team.

What devices can I use Sea-Flux on?

Sea-Flux can be used across almost any device via browser and on Apple iOS and Android devices via the Sea-Flux app.

What kind of support is available?

We strive to have someone available at all times.

Is my data safe? How is it protected?

We use Google as our chosen provider for data storage and security. The data is primarily handled by Google’s data centre in Australia.

1. Files are stored using Cloud Storage for Firebase.

2. Other functions such as regularly scheduled jobs, functions triggered from data changes and a few other specialised requests are handled by Cloud Functions for Firebase.

All four of these services provided have been certified under major privacy and security standards including: ISO 27001, see:

ISO 27017, see:

ISO 27018, see:

SOC 1, see:

SOC 2, see: SOC 3, see

For more information see:

Do I have to pay extra for software upgrades?

No, all software updates are free. We do however occasionally release “Add ons” that are separate to standard subscription packages.


Can I pay annually?

Payment options are either billed Monthly or Annually. A discount is provided if paying annually.


Does it cost to have extra staff/users?

There is no extra cost per additional crew/staff member. Our packages are on a per vessel basis.