Sea-Flux is just so bloody easy to use.


Captain Tony “TK” Walker is a master commercial fisherman, and with about 40 years at sea he knows a thing or two about running a good boat. And a big part of keeping a vessel running well, to survey and catching fish is staying on top of maintenance.

After a couple of months using Sea-Flux we asked TK how it was going, here’s what he said:

“First of all guys I’m bloody stoked with Sea-Flux, and there are three key things that stood out about it.

  1. It’s so bloody easy to use. As a 60yo bloke who’s spent a life at sea I don’t know the first thing about computers, tablets and all these apps. I was a bit apprehensive at first at putting all this info into a device rather than the old log books I am so used to, I thought it would be complicated and take time to learn. Boy was I wrong, it’s really easy to use, saves me a lot of time and mucking around. I can use my phone, laptop, or a tablet and everything is synced up.
  2. Communication, using Sea-Flux means that when I am at sea I can update the logs, schedule and record engine and machinery services, update crew documents, safety checks, everything – and it all gets communicated back to the fleet manager instantly!
  3. Offline Capability, in my case I am often about 300 nautical miles offshore and connectivity can be an issue. There are options around now, but even so, Sea-Flux has the ability to work offline so no matter where I am, I have access to the platform on my devices and can update information at the time, as soon as it reconnects it syncs with the whole fleet!

The fact I can do all this with a few taps on the screen has already saved the fleet thousands in servicing and man hours in updating records, logs and schedules. There’s so many features to this software, it’s amazing it’s so simple to use! Not only that but the support from the team is second to none, these guys are passionate about the product and it shows. If any of you guys reading this have been looking for a software to manage your boat or your fleet this is the one guys, take it from me, I have tried a few over the years and Sea-Flux have nailed it.

Captain TK Walker

TK Offshore Fishing