Below is information on Sea-Flux’s data retention/subscription cancellation policy for Customer Content processed in Sea-Flux services (updated: February 21, 2024).
By default, all data and files are kept securely and permanently in the cloud.
If a licensee unsubscribes, all of the existing data and files for their account and any associated user accounts will become inaccessible. With the exception of Sea-Flux administrators from that point forward.
Upon request, a licensee may additionally ask for their data to be destroyed. In this case, their/your data and files will be deleted permanently from the live server. However, their/your data (not files), will remain embedded within our backups for a period of no longer than 12 months.
Note that backups are held as a “Blob” of data, with no ability to identify single subscriber data without a complete data restore of all subscribers/users data across the entire platform.
Subscription Cancellation Process for a licensee
A licensee may cancel their subscription at any time by following the Cancellation Process as outlined below.
Process to cancel your subscription:
1. Only an Authorised Licensee may cancel an active subscription with Sea-Flux. Cancellation can be completed by contacting Sea-Flux on +64 223080209
, or by emailing and outlining your desire to cancel your subscription with us providing:
a. The Licensee name on the account
b. Your name and authorisation
c. Date that the cancellation is to occur (must be a date in the future)
2. We will confirm receipt of the cancellation request, check that you are authorised to cancel the subscription, and complete a final billing which will cover the subscription up until that date, or the date outlined in your contract with us.
3. We will provide you with options on whether you want your data deleted immediately, or preserved for a definitive time into the future
4. Upon payment of the final account we will remove all user access to the application. Once user access has been removed we will follow your request and either delete the data, or hold the files for the requested specified time before deletion
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